Tuesday, February 4, 2014

An Introduction -

     One thing is for certain: a Blogger (note that capital B?) I am not.   The problem isn't finding the words to say, rather it's finding the time in which to say them.  There's always plenty of words in my head, but getting them out can be quite a chore.  I want it to be clear, concise and accurate.  I agonize over word choices, reading & rewriting nearly every sentence until it's perfect.  I am a bit of a grammar snob.  You know those grammar tests that were making their way around Facebook last year?  I answered each and every question correctly.  Improperly placed modifiers and commas cause me to (involuntarily) correct sentences aloud, much to the annoyance of those in the immediate vicinity.  Let's not even mention the oft confused your/you're and there/their/they're. . .   How can you be taken seriously in life if you cannot use second and third person pronouns and their contractions correctly?!?  (I am aware that "there" is a place and is NOT a personal pronoun or a contraction.  However, it IS one of those words that is frequently confused with a certain third person pronoun and its contraction.  Just to be clear, alright?)   I believe that an essential life skill is knowing how to diagram a sentence correctly, and that each home should have a copy of the Plain English Handbook sitting on the bookshelf.  You may thank fellow grammarians, Juanita Wigginton and Dayle Allen Shockley, for their influence on my appreciation for good writing.

I am also the wife of Prince Charming, who sometimes accuses me of being the Grammar Police. Because he is a Lover of Words & my Live Thesaurus, we get along just fine.  Together, we endeavor to pass the appreciation of words, books and punctuation on to our three Beautiful Princesses.  These four individuals make my world go 'round (sometimes spinning like a whirligig!)

In spite of the fact that all my text messages are grammatically correct and certain posts on social media make me want to pull out my hair, creativity is highly encouraged in our house.  We have our own way of saying things, a certain turn of phrase or made-up word, that others might not understand.  

"Loverly" is one of those words.  Princess #2 came up with it all on her own one day (while it is a favorite of mine, she's never watched My Fair Lady.)  

Loverly is how we describe the often indescribable beauties of life.  For example, a glorious sunset over the Gulf of Mexico is truly loverly.  Loverly can also describe the excitement of realizing one of our pet lizards is a She and not a He when one day there is a new addition to the habitat.  Loverly is the sense of accomplishment after taking on something really difficult and succeeding (Princess #3 ice skating all by herself was definitely loverly!)

Loverlies are the really good things in life.  Sometimes they take your breath away.  Sometimes they surprise you.  Sometimes they make you cry.  Loverlies are sights, sounds, smells, feelings.  So beautiful you never want to forget them.  

This blog will be my feeble attempt at sharing all the loverly things in my world with you.

Do you have loverlies in your life?  Tell me about them in the comment section below!

1 comment:

  1. There *are* always plenty of words, says your baby sister fledgling grammarian.
